Saturday, February 3, 2018

Noob's Patch 7.08 Analysis {1235 mmr}


Patch 7.08 has been released. I think it is time to write something about the Meta and how we should approach the game when it is changed. Meta is a cloud of information that comes out as a result of all the mechanics of the game. Not just mechanics. There are so many variations of heroes, lanes, items and play style choices that people will make, I guess even IceFrog himself may not 100% know what will be the outcome when something is changed in the game. After patches, there is a period of trial and error where players try different things and try to figure out what is going to work and what not. This constant change of things is an essential part of the game that encourages players to try different things, adapt and survive. Like life itself.

As I mentioned in my last post I wasn't a man of small numbers. But all those small numbers add up to big sums that define the result of the battle.

This patch has bad news for me since I'm still spamming Juggernaut. Because his passive critical damage decreased from 200% to 180%. What does this mean? On level 4 you have a 35% chance to hit critical which used to be 200% of your normal damage. Let's say your normal attack hits 100 damage and on average you hit 20 times in a team fight. If you hit 20 times 13 of them will be normal attacks and 7 of them will be critical. It used to mean: (13 x 100) + (7 x 200) = 1300 + 1400 = 2700 damage in a team fight. After the amount of critical strike reduced to 180% your total damage in the same fight will be:  (13 x 100) + (7 x 180) = 1300 + 1260 = 2560. This means almost 2 normal hits and this might draw the line between life and death in some rough situations. So I need to be extra careful while trading hits in a team fight and maybe I shouldn't be the initiator and wait for a few seconds behind before joining the fight.

There are also some changes in the items that I pick as Juggernaut:
- Battle Fury bonus creep damage reduced from 60% to 50% and illusions won't have this bonus damage anymore.
- Enchanted Mango restores 25 more mana. This is good news since Juggernaut is very reliant on it.
- Black King Bar cooldown is rescaled to a constant 70 seconds. It used to reduce down to 55 seconds before as the duration decreases after several uses. This means I will be able to use BKB less in late game scenarios.

Juggernaut is mostly weak against physical damage, especially in the early game. Thankfully there aren't any changes to his counters.

See you in the next post.

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